Tired of settling and struggling? This is for you.

6-months to Total Power, Purpose and Passion 

The SOULution

a revolutionary coaching program for men with renowned spiritual teacher Deb Sheppard


Be, do and have what you REALLY want - with speed and certainty.
Release the relationship, career and power struggles that are holding you back.
Reconnect with your partner - so you can get the support, love and intimacy you crave.
Rewire limiting thought patterns and issues that are getting in the way of living fully.
Turn setbacks and "failures" into powerful opportunities.
Get on the waitlist now

You've likely had moments in your life when you were in the flow - when you felt inspired, passionate and filled with purpose. 

But, chances are, those occasions have been sporadic. 

Most of the time, you've probably felt like life is happening TO you (instead of for you), thinking thoughts like...

  • "Why aren't things working out for me?"
  • "No matter how hard I work on myself, I always seem to come up against the same old issues."
  • "I don't like feeling jealous, but I'm ticked off that other people seem to get what they want while I'm struggling."
  • "I wish I could feel more excited and fulfilled."
  • "My life isn't turning out how I thought it would."

It's frustrating because....

Yes! I'm Ready!

You've done everything right. 

Perhaps you've tried therapy, taken courses and read countless books.

Yet, what you want still eludes you. 

You're not one to give up though... 


Deep down, you know there is more for you to be, do and have...

And you likely have a hunch there is something or someone who CAN help you breakthrough what's holding you back once and for all.

(You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't, right? ;) 

Imagine what it's going to be like when you...

  • Awaken your superpowers to be, do and have what you REALLY want.
  • Stop playing small and take action on your desires.
  • Release the fears, guilt and limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
  • Get total clarity on what you're meant to do in this lifetime.
  • Break free of the blocks that have been keeping you from the relationship or job you want.
  • Stop living according to other people's opinions.
  • Turn setbacks and "failures" into powerful opportunities. 
  • Partner with Spirit to create a steady steam of miracles in your life.
  • Find joy and power in the present - no matter what's happening around you.
  • Tap into the life-changing power of your intuition - so you feel guided with every step you take. 
  • And much more!

All this and more is possible for you. 

It just requires one solution. 

or rather, SOULution... 

The reason nothing has worked as much as you'd like thus far is because it doesn't consider one important component to lasting transformation... 

Your SOUL. 

If you want to finally create the purpose, success, freedom or whatever it is you deeply crave, it's crucial that you:

  1. Know how to connect with your Soul on the deepest level.
  2. Understand what your Soul is nudging (or screaming) for you to learn in this life.
  3. Get the scientifically-proven tools and spiritual support you need to move through your Soul's lessons, so you can more easily and more quickly change your circumstances and create what you crave.

It makes sense, right? After all, it's your Soul that is the totality of who you are at a core level.

Hi, I'm Deb Sheppard.

I was once living my life in a way that may be similar to you... repeating the same frustrating patterns, coming up against blocks, feeling like there was more for me to do, be and have...

A series of synchronicities led me to connect with Spirit and the Soul on a very deep level. As I connected, I was able to channel information that completely changed everything.  I came to understand our true purpose here on earth and the life-changing power of working with our Soul's contracts. Using this little-known knowledge, I developed methods and exercises that made a lasting difference in my life and the lives of my clients. 

Over the past 20 years, I've helped thousands of people release blocks and step into the flow of unstoppable power, purpose and passion... with the crucial help of the Soul. 

I know I can help you too.


The SOULution - Men's Program

a 6-month life-changing process during which you breakthrough what is holding you back and awaken to the limitless power available to you  - so you can finally co-create a life that lights you up. 

Say no more! I'm READY!

There is so much more for you to do, be and have. 

It's time to get in the driver's seat of your life. 

Here's a Peek into the 6-Month Journey that Will Change Your Life... 


Month 1:
Courage to Change

Our first crucial step is awakening the deep well of courage within you. So many people don't create what they want because they simply can't connect with their innate courage. This month, you will drop your baggage, reframe failures as fuel for greatness, open up to your intuition and more! 


Month 2:
Shift Your Thinking

As the saying goes, you are what you think. Which is why it's so important to really examine what thoughts and limiting beliefs may be getting in the way of your happiness and success. I share the tools you need to shift your thinking at the deepest levels and release the opinions of others. You'll become more in alignment with what you say, feel and do. I also share a powerful key for letting go of guilt, which is often at the heart of our blocks. 


Month 3:
Feel the Fear and Find Your Brave

 So many people live unfulfilled lives because of fear. I don't want you to be one of them! This month, you release fear and stop letting it control you. You learn to let go of fear of failure, release competition with others, and reframe "failures" as opportunities. You're not here to play small - unless you want to! 

Month 4:
Own Your Power to Have What You Desire

Fantasies are not fiction. As you discover this month, they can be your life!  You'll release any patterns of unworthiness and step into your deservedness. I also teach powerful methods of using your intuition and imagination to own your power and get what you want. 

Month 5:
Amplify Your Intuition and Awareness

Your intuition is your number 1 guide and chances are you aren't using it to the fullest extent. All that changes this month! You'll discover your intuitive strengths and learn powerful tools for quickly getting the clear answers you need - when you need them. You'll also tap into the life-changing power of the universe - so you can trust the process and know that each guided step is leading you to something even better than you can imagine. 


Month 6:
Living a Life that Lights You Up

In our final month, you get the tools you need to continue this momentum for the rest of your life. You fully integrate the importance of staying accountable to yourself as you go forth and create your deepest desires. You step into all the possibilities before you and I share a powerful tool to help you on your way. Ultimately, my hands are on your back helping you! 

Yes, I'm Ready!

What Sets The SOULution Apart?

Chances are you've invested a lot of time, energy and money in spiritual and personal development over the years. And, you probably didn’t feel you got back what you put in? Maybe you walked away with a small victory or a short-lived change. Then you found yourself getting stuck again - dealing with the same-old frustrating patterns and struggles.

The SOULution is totally different.

This is the very process and methodology I've used to help thousands of clients go from struggle to deeply satisfying lives. 

Through a unique combination of shadow workself-healing tools, scientifically-proven modalities and channeled insights, you'll embrace your hidden self, transcend emotional triggers and past traumas and finally experience the personal and spiritual growth you crave - so you can make real progress in your life. 


The SOULution is also more than a course in which there is a talking head and you're left feeling unsupported and on your own. It's a sacred community experience with tons of built-in touch points and support. We meet weekly (through a monthly training and group coaching three times a month) and you get additional support in our Facebook group. You also have the option to upgrade to the All-Star plan and receive one-on-one sessions with me each month. 

What you get inside this transformational experience

Results-focused training modules 

Get ready to release blocks and create real results in work, relationships and more. Each month, we cover a crucial step in the SOULution process and I share the exact strategies I've used to help thousands of clients. You'll join me live on video or you can watch on demand. 

Personalized support from me through our powerful group coaching sessions

This is so not one of those "courses" where you only get a lesson and then no follow up! As part of The SOULution, you join me for group coaching three times a month - during which you can get personalized coaching from me on integrating the teachings and help with whatever is happening in your life right now. 

Exclusive Guided Meditations 

You'll also get  exclusive meditations and intentions each Monday to help you set a powerful energy for the week and fully integrate everything at the deepest level possible. 

NeuroDynamic Breathwork Experiences

Access your inner power, release "stuck" emotions and get the answers you need during these groundbreaking twice monthly NeuroDynamic Breathwork Experiences with Dana Nieto, a certified breathwork expert. These experiences serve a crucial gateway to connecting to your inner power, releasing anxiety and trauma, connecting with your authentic self and living a purpose-filled life.

Extra support from our soul-centered community

Make like-minded, supportive friends and get extra support in our exclusive private Facebook group just for The SOULution participants. It’s often said we are the product of the people we spend the most time with. This is an amazing group that will light you up no matter what!

One-on-One Sessions - with the All-Star and Soaring Star Plans

 You also have the option to upgrade and receive private ongoing support from me through monthly one-on-one sessions. During these personal 1 hour sessions, I'll help you more deeply integrate the teachings and share messages and intuitive guidance.

Yes, I'm Ready!
"You will be changed the very first moment that you dive in."

Deb's teachings will shape how I live for years to come... Being a highly anxious person, I learned what anxious energy is mine and what energy I can turn off from the outside. I learned to listen to that anxiety and dig deep into what was causing it and how to work through whatever the issue is... The biggest take away for me was that the process is forever unfolding. I could retake her course today and peel back 100 new and different layers... I would highly recommend Deb to anyone who wants to have a deeper understanding of their path on this earth. I can guarantee that if you sign up and are willing to open up your mind and heart, you will be changed the very first moment that you dive in.

~ Jeff VanDerhule

It's time to awaken the unstoppable power inside you.

If you've read this far, you owe it to yourself to honor that whisper inside that's nudging you, saying…


This is the opportunity - The Soulution -  you've been searching for. Don't let it pass you by. 

Now is the time to stop struggling and step into the inspired flow of purpose, power, passion and miracles that is awaiting you in The SOULution.


Here's a Recap of Everything You Get in The SOULution…

It's hard to assign value to an experience like this. After all, how can you put a price on the life-changing transformation that takes place when you finally release what is holding you back and step into your authentic power to create a life that is even BETTER than you could imagine? 

Let's do the math... 

SIX FULL MONTHS of life-changing support from Deb…. $3800 value

Personalized coaching through our intimate group sessions 3x a month… $3600 value

Soul Contracts weekend workshop... $2000 value

Private community… $600 value

Guided meditations that revolutionize your connection with your soul and spirit guides… $360 value

Twice-monthly NeuroDynmaic Breathwork... $2000

Private sessions with Deb - to get personalized guidance (with Soaring Star or All-Star plans)… $6000

Insights that will make a dramatic difference in your life… priceless

Grand total value... up to $18,360
But you won’t pay that! 

Doors are currently closed.   

Space is limited - so get on the waitlist for priority access and more. 

We have a no spam policy. Your email is never shared or sold. You're under no obligation to buy the program. This list just gives you first dibs.

You're Protected with Our 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

I'm confident the The SOULution will support your personal and spiritual growth if you do the work. That's why I'm offering a risk-free guarantee. 

Here's how it works: Sign up now and join me for the first 2 weeks. If you're not happy with what you're learning, you can request a full refund. All we ask is that you log into the portal, complete the homework assigned and participate in the private Facebook group. If you do this and find the material doesn't support you in any way, we'll gladly refund your tuition. 

About Deb

Deb Sheppard is an internationally recognized certified medium, spiritual teacher, author and speaker.  Having completed well over 55,000 readings over the past 21 years, she connects her private clients and audiences from around the world to their loved ones in spirit, helping bring life full circle. Her incredible ability places her in the top 3% most accurate in her profession. 

She has shared the stage with global spiritual leaders, including James Van Praagh and Sonia Choquette. When she’s not at live events giving readings or teaching her spiritual philosophies, she’s recording episodes of her moving YouTube Series, Grieving to Believing: A Medium’s Mission to Bring Parents Peace, hosting her popular podcast Spirited Straight Talk and empowering hundreds of her mentoring students each year to let go of their limiting beliefs in order to be open to the spirit world. 

Her book, Grieving to Believing - Discovering the Afterlife, is a two-time Amazon bestseller which tells her personal journey - at times raw - of her own healing process and how her abilities work. 

With hundreds of media appearances, Deb has been featured on CBS, NBC, FOX, iHeart Radio, Daily Blast Live, the Jones Radio Network and more. She’s also been syndicated on 150 stations nationwide and a frequent guest on many of the top TV and Radio stations in Denver for years. 

Known for her compassion and keen sense of humor, Deb is based in Colorado and recently married the love of her life, Dana Nieto who is equally loved and admired in Deb’s community as her chief organizer and co-host on Spirited Straight Talk. 

Got a Question? 

We're here to help! Here are the most common questions we get. If you have another question, don't hesitate to reach out to me and my team.